01 April 2008

Its good that I like Baseball

Austyn has his first practice!
His first practice was yesterday (Monday). He is on the (drum roll and an eye roll please, lol) THE RED SOX! He was so excited for baseball and it was so much fun for me to watch him. The kids on his team seem so teeny tiny. I swear I don't remember Taylor's team being that little, but then again, that was four years ago. (gasp..am I that much older?) Hailey (pink pants) used to be our neighbor, and we are so excited that she and Austyn get to play on the same team! His coach is a woman. No problem. We've had a woman coach before, but no offense ladies....the men do it way better. I'm totally not one of those women who thinks that women should only do certain things. I'm sure some women (like *ahem* myself, hehe) would make a fantastic coach. I'm all for women coaching..if they know what they are doing and are organized. This lady, well she did say that this is her first time coaching, so I guess I could cut her some slack, but I'm not going to. Here's why: She said that she used to play sports her whole life and she played in college and yada, yada, yada...let's not relive the glory days! So, I'm thinking...okay, good, this girl will know what she is doing.
EXHIBIT A: When coaching a team of any nature, one should wear the proper gear...ie...shoes. FLIP-FLOPS are not appropriate footwear for coaching a baseball team...at any age! Set a good example for your team. PLEASE. EXHIBIT B: Please teach the children the proper rules of the game, and especially ones that are meant to enhance safety, not hinder it. So, please teach the kids to run ONE base at a time as stated in the tee-ball rules, AND DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT show them to run the bases with a baseball bat in your hand!!Also, teaching the kids to run to the pitcher's mound (instead of going to the dugout where they would normally go) after running to home-plate, probably isn't a good idea either. WOW. For someone who knows sports, she sure doesn't know a whole lot.To top it all off, when I asked if she needed any help or a team mom (because that's ME!) she replied with a solid, "No, I think I have it pretty well under control. I am really organized and I know what to do. I played sports all my life (again with the sports thing), so I know what I am doing." My mouth dropped open. I just said...Yeah, okay, well you let me know if you need anything. I am kicking myself in the butt for having not coached this year. I just know I could have done everything a million times better than the way things went at the first practice. Granted, first practices are usually a little rough and you have to work out the kinks, but seriously, come on! I'm coaching from now on if Mark isn't here! I can't handle another bad coach.
Even though I went on a rant, I can find something nice to say about her. She is very nice, and she seems to like kids. Anyway, so check out this awesome hit Austyn got!
Taylor's First Game
Today, Taylor had his very first game in Little League. He did awesome! The whole team did awesome! Oh and by the way, they are the BEST, and I mean THE BEST team ever! Let me tell you why. Yesterday at practice, there was a tee-ball team practicing on the field we normally practice on. The coaches were upset and just let the situation get the best of them and said there would be no practice. This was not going to stop the Indians from practicing. They formed a circle in between two fields and started playing catch and warming up. Are these kids awesome or what?! They ended up getting a field a few minutes later. Okay, okay, so back to the game. Taylor was the first up to bat in the line up.
(First at bat)He got two strikes and a sweet hit to 2nd base. He made it home two hits later to score the first point of the game. WOOHOO! Go Taylor!
(On 3rd about to run Home to score the first point!) The first couple of innings he didn't play the field. His second at bat, he struck out. :o( He didn't get angry or upset, he just walked it off and went back to the dugout.
(Can you say SSSSTTTTRRRRRRRRIIIIIIKKKKEEE!) He played outfield once and then he played 1st base twice. He did a great job along with everyone else. I think he felt so cool and grown up to be playing a game much like his Dad. Sadly they did lose to the Red Sox. Yeah, yeah. I don't want to hear it. lol. Everyone had a great time and they can't wait for their next game on Friday.
(Good Game Guys!) We will be doing baseball FIVE times a week very soon. Austyn luckily doesn't start his games until the 19th. When he does, we will have practice on Mondays/Wednesdays, 5-6 or 6:30 for Taylor, and 6-6:45 for Austyn. Some weeks, Taylor has Tuesday/Friday games, and some weeks he has Thursday/Friday games. All of Austyn's games are on Saturdays, so we will be pretty busy! I am very thankful that they both practice within the same vicinity of each other, just a field or two away, so it will be pretty easy to handle. I'm also very happy that I actually like baseball, otherwise I would be going nuts right now!! haha All of this baseball is also going to make time fly by, so we will get closer to Mark coming home much faster! YAY for baseball!

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