06 April 2008

Opening Day, Pancakes Galore & Poop!

This weekend has been quite busy and crazy. It started out very early on Saturday morning. We had opening day ceremonies to attend to for Little League. They had a 'free' pancake breakfast for the players and their families. They were taking donations since Little League is funded by donations, fundraising and volunteers. After the breakfast we awaited the announcement of the teams. The two little league tee-ball teams were the first up, then AA was up next. There are only four AA teams, so we will see the same old faces for the next two months! lol. Taylor's team came out with their giant felt banner. A coach from each team announced the players by name and number. I'm sure that was an exciting moment for Taylor! The entire event was cute and the kids had lots of fun until the flyover of a local based F-18 Super Hornet. :o) Of course, we heard absolutely nothing until the president of the league announced that the flyover was about to happen, and bam, the jet was literally right there and it hit the after-burners and roared over the field and crowd. Ryleigh was so scared that she fell down and was screaming while Austyn was just in awe of the whole situation because he of course loves jets. It was freezing cold the whole morning, so the boys spent some time snuggling under a blanket and pretending to like each other.This morning was our usual Pancake Sunday filled with pancakes cooked by yours truly. I'm working on mastering the pancake. Its my least favorite food to cook and I'm quite possibly THE worst pancake maker in the universe! The kids are proof of that. They are not shy about telling me that Dad's pancakes are better. I agree, they are awesome and we can't wait to have his pancakes back! Either the kids are getting used to my mediocre pancakes or my skills are improving. They started out with eating only one pancake every Sunday versus the three or four of Mark's they would eat. They are now eating about three or four of my pancakes. They still say Mark's are better, but its okay because I happen to agree! I can admit my weakness. lol
And then there was poop! Yeah, I know, it really isn't a lovely topic to talk about, but when it is a 17 month old little girl by the name of Ryleigh who pooped in the potty for the first time ever, it suddenly becomes glamorous. lol. So, yes, this morning, Ryleigh poo-pooed in the potty for the first time ever! It was so exciting and when she was done, she looked in the potty and we did the whole celebration thing we do every time she potties. She looked a little confused because it wasn't just pee. She kept looking in the potty and looking at me, like what the heck is that?! We told her she poo-pooed and Austyn rewarded her with the biggest star sticker he could find. So...HOORAY for Ryleigh! Her potty training is going fantastic and I couldn't be more pleased with her. She of course still has accidents, but I'm not asking for perfection here, just progress. And she has made phenomenal progress. My kids are the greatest! ;o)

Oh and Taylor played his second game of the season on Friday. They smoked the Cardinals! Taylor had a rough game and struck out twice. EEK! He let the game get to his head a little. But he did get a killer hit to left field!! Despite his batting struggles, he, along with the rest of the team played awesome! We are headed to the batting cages today so he can work out his personal issues with his hitting.

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