08 April 2008

Big Wheels Keep On Turnin'....

Well today was a very exciting day for Mr. Austyn because he learned how to ride a real big kid bike. Not to worry, it still has training wheels on it! lol. Last year, a friend gave us a bike that her son grew out of. Mind you, we had to buy new pedals because one was missing and new training wheels. How do you lose a pedal? haha. Anyway, today he decided he was ready to try it. We tried months ago and he wasn't digging it at all. We ventured over to the basketball court by our house and I gave him some tips and pointers and he was pretty much off on his own. He was so proud of himself! He of course, had some set backs and meltdowns along the way. He kept pedaling backwards and hitting the brakes and then had a rough time getting going again. I helped him at first, but then after that I insisted that he do it all on his own. He was mad at me, of course, but with lots of encouraging words and enthusiasm, he was fine all on his own! Taylor rode around on his bike and looked really cool to Austyn. I'm sure he can't wait to learn to ride without training wheels. Taylor was also an amazing big brother. He kept telling Austyn that he was doing awesome, and that he was so big for learning how to do this. Austyn of course, thought that was the most wonderful thing in the world. Who doesn't love praise from their older sibling. Taylor gave him 2 stickers when we came home, and that just topped the cake. I love that my kids are so simple and get such great joy from silly things like stickers. Meanwhile, Ryleigh was swinging away in the baby swing. She finally agreed to get out after a while and she walked around the park looking at everything, and then she found a cat. The child is obsessed with cats and dogs! Her favorite word is dog. She found the cat, and kept saying 'Cat' and signing it at the same time. She is doing amazing with potty training. She had 6 accidents today, which by the way is totally awesome!!! She pooped in the potty again today, and Austyn rewarded her with another big star sticker. She loves it when he gives her those. She still doesn't say pee-pee or poo-poo but we are working on that. Taylor is also doing very good with baseball. We went to the batting cages on Sunday and he hit almost every single ball that was pitched to him. That made him happy. :o) Mark just left Hong Kong not long ago. Not much longer until he will be home again. Time is flying with all of this baseball, bike riding and potty training!

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