11 April 2008

3 hits, 2 runs, 1 played out!

Taylor played his 3rd game (vs. Giants) last night, and he did AWESOME! He had a much better game than last Friday. He was working very hard to get the game ball, but he didn't get it this time around. The game ball went to Jack, who had 3 hits and 3 runs. We won the game. I'm not sure what the final score was, but I can tell you that the other team scored ZERO runs! In their defense, they haven't been able to have any practice on the pitching machine since the season started because of conflicting field practices. We have Little League and MWR Kid Zone sports on the base. Two completely different entities are practicing for games at the same time, and each has their own practice schedule. They don't consult (or at least I don't think they do) each other to avoid field conflicts. Anyhow. Taylor's first at bat, he had a great base hit and he made it home a couple of hits later. He played 3rd base, short stop, center field and 1st base in last night's game. He didn't see any action except during the last inning when he played 1st. Our team sort of fell asleep because there were no hits. And then, a kid just smacked the ball, clear to outfield and our kids were like, wait a minute...what just happened? They were able to get 2 kids on base, but unfortunately (for them) they didn't score a run. Taylor's second at bat, he had a nice solid hit to 2nd base and he made it home again. His 3rd at bat was kind of a dinker, and if he had ran a little faster, he may have been safe. It was a close call, but he did do his very best. When he played 1st, a hit came straight for him. He very quickly fielded the ball and then got a little dizzy and lost his place. He spun around a few times looking for 1st (lol), but luckily he found it, tagged the base, and was able to get the runner out! YAY Taylor. I believe that was his first out of the season. He was pretty excited about that and danced around a little bit. He cried a little bit and was a pretty hurt when he didn't get that game ball. I just had to explain to him at the end of it all, that even if he didn't get that ball, it doesn't mean that he didn't do awesome or his best. I told him that only one kid gets the ball, so does that mean that only one kid worked hard? Absolutely not. It just means that the coach thinks they worked hardest or played the best that game. I told him he just has to keep working hard for that game ball, and he will get it soon. He did so great, and I am so proud of him. I know Mark would have been proud to watch him play today, and in the end I know he (Taylor) was proud of how well he did!

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