19 April 2008

Austyn's FIRST Game!!

Austyn played his very first ever tee ball game bright and early this morning! He did awesome as did most of the kids on the team. They didn't get their uniforms until this morning. Which the coach said she didn't get them until last night, but somehow the other team already had names on their jerseys. Odd. Austyn is number 4. His uniform is a couple of sizes too big. We requested a size extra small, but for some reason no extra small sizes were ordered. All of the kids are wearing pants that are about 1/2 a foot too long, socks that come up to their thighs and shirts that could pass for dress.! lol. He still looked pretty darn cute in it though. He had two really good hits and he had about two or three good plays. He knows exactly what to do with the ball when he gets it and he knows where to go when he hits. He's awesome. He did get a little bored at one point and start running in the dirt. And then he got a little upset and thought that throwing his glove across the field would make him feel better. Anger management anyone? lol. All in all it was a great experience for him and he was excited about the whole thing. He was even more excited when he found out that he got a snack this time. lol. Oh the things that bring little kids joy. I'm putting all of the pictures in a slide show because quite frankly, there are so many!

After the game we headed out to the annual Pizza Festival in Lemoore. The kids had a lot of fun. Taylor had a black dragon painted onto his face, and about an hour later, Austyn decided he too would like to have his face painted. He didn't want it the first time around. They played on a giant slide and had pizza a funnel cake before we called it a day. It was a tiresome day, and to think, our day is only half over! Here are the pictures from the Festival in slide show format.

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