25 March 2008

Put Your Big Girl Panties on &Deal With It!

Ryleigh, as you all know is my only daughter. She is the youngest of three and she is our last child that we will have. Ryleigh is my princess and my sweet angelic baby. (most of the time) She will be 17 months on Sunday. Where has the time gone? There's no way she can almost be 1 1/2 years old. It's impossible, right? Tell me I'm right, please!
Let's rewind to a week and a half ago. We were going through our normal nightly bath time routine. Ryleigh is always the first out of the tub. I dry her off and lather her up with some yummy smelling bedtime lotion and send her off to her room to wait until I get Austyn out of the tub. She never makes it to her room because she dawdles. Last week, after an attempt to actually make it to her room she came right back. She pulls out the potty chair, lifts the lid and tries to sit down. She didn't quite make it and ended up with one foot in the potty and one still on the floor. She looked like she could use some assistance, so I helped her out. I asked her if she needed to pee-pee, and low and behold, what does the child do? She pees! In the potty! Can you believe it?! I was shocked, excited, thrilled, overjoyed, happy and a little sad. We all (including the boys) shouted hooray and clapped our hands and told her what a great job she did. I was a little teary-eyed.
A few days later as I was trying to cook dinner she comes running down the hallway with her diaper half on, half off. She was desperately trying to get her diaper off and was having some trouble. She finally got it off and she ran right back down the hallway to the potty and sat down. And would you believe that she peed in the potty...again!
Then there was last night. As we were getting ready for a bath, I asked her if she needed to potty and she shook her head no, so I plunked her in the tub. Once she was done with her tub and was all lotioned up and ready for jammies, she pointed at the potty. In disbelief, I asked if she needed to pee-pee and she sat right down and had a very determined look on her face. For the third time, she peed in the potty! Am I blessed with a potty training genius baby or what?!
I do have to admit that I am not ready for this at all. I'm not ready for her to be such a big independent girl. She is growing so fast and she is so smart. She is such an amazing little girl. I really wish that I could be Adam Sandler in the movie Click. I need that remote to pause time and to watch my kids grow up in slow motion. Everything is happening so fast. One minute they are tiny little babies who need my help with everything, and the next thing I know they are running around like wild animals playing the 'run away from mommy' game and they don't need my help for as much anymore.
This is all very bittersweet for me. Once she is potty trained, it will be official that she is a big girl. That is scary. At the same time, I won't ever have to potty train another baby again! Hallelujah! lol.
Mark thinks she is ready for potty training since she obviously shows such a great interest in it. He's probably right and I should probably take advantage of this opportunity Ryleigh is presenting to me. But really, do they make panties that small? I know, I'm looking for excuses to keep her a baby and I shouldn't. I guess I should just put my big girl panties on and deal with it!

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