04 March 2008

Hot or Cold? It can't be both!

So, really, we don't have a whole lot to write about. lol. The weather has been awesome for the most part. Its been beautiful lately, and we are spending more and more time outdoors. Taylor had his Little League Tryouts on Saturday. Everything went okay, except for the weather! After having spent the entire week outside and enjoying the sunshine, this was the day that we needed optimal weather. No such luck. It was freezing and the wind was blowing so hard! So, it can't be hot one day and cold the next! The tryouts lasted almost two whole hours which was just ridiculous because it could have been over with in like 15-30 minutes! Poor Ryleigh was shivering the whole time and Austyn was bored. Taylor did okay. He didn't give his all for some reason. He was just out there being silly, and because of that they said they would put him (along with the other kids) on the tee ball team. I was livid, and I spoke up, because that's what I do. lol. I said, I DO NOT think so! My son has played tee ball for two years and coach's pitch for two years! There is NO way you are putting him on the dang tee ball team! That's for baby's! My three year old is on the tee ball team! Taylor is far too advanced for coach's pitch! So, we had to stay for an extra hour to sit and watch all of the 8-9 year old kids swing and miss. Taylor was the absolute dead last kid to hit! He got up there and hit 3 balls out of 5 off of the pitching machine! He did AWESOME! AND, he hit lefty which isn't even his strongest! The coach's were impressed and said, if he hits that good lefty, we we don't even want to know how good he does when he hits right!! So, I said, yeah, that's what I thought. Although, he is my child, I don't think I am biased. The kid has skills! Austyn does too! Austyn has a crazy arm, and he hits pretty good too! What can I say, my kids are talented. lolTaylor at tryouts on Saturday.Taylor being silly.
Austyn got a hair cut this weekend. Not really a big to-do or anything exciting. He was excited about it because it was my friend "Smeather" as he calls her who cut his hair for him. She has a cosmetology license and she does everyone's hair, except that's not her job. I'm not sure why she doesn't work at a salon.Austyn after his haircut and bath.How nice it is to not have to leave your house for a haircut. lol
Afterwards she trimmed up Ryleigh's hair. When she was a baby, she had her little bald spot on the back of her head, like most babies do. So, as she has gotten older the spot where she was bald is shorter than the rest of her hair. Heather just trimmed up the sides. She only cut 1/2 an inch off. You can't tell until you wash her hair because then it is all even.She never budged because she loves having her hair brushed/fixed and played with. Afterall, she IS a girl! Just hanging around on the swing.
So, that's about it for now. Just wasting time, trying to find silly things to blog about! lol. Here are some pictures of the kids...ENJOY!

I love close-ups of the kids in black and white!

1 comment:

The Sheridans said...

I LOVE those black and whites! Ryleigh is becoming such a little girl now and not so much baby! Kinda makes me sad! Tell T that Ryan is on the Yankees this year! Yeah! XOXOXOX