13 March 2008

Patriotic Program

Taylor dressed and ready for the Patriotic Program
Tonight, Taylor, and the rest of the 1st grade and 2nd grade (I think) put on a Patriotic Program for their parents. They did an awesome job! Every single person had a part in the program which was awesome! Some people were dressed up in costumes and some just 'introduced' songs. It was well put together, and we really enjoyed it. The kids who didn't wear costumes wore dark jeans and white polo shirts. They sang The Star Spangled Banner started to get a little bit grumpy towards the very end, but we quieted her down with some and I almost started to cry. It was so moving to hear all of these 6-8 year old kids singing this song with such conviction. Austyn fully enjoyed hearing all of the songs and then asked me why Taylor was talking. Ryleigh sat on my lap and swayed back and forth to the music the entire time. She goldfish and milk. Taylor spoke his part into the microphone and he totally reminded me of Alfalfa from The Little Rascals because of his delivery. He got a few giggles from the crowd. There was one little boy, he is so tiny. He had to stand on his tip toes and reach his little head up as high as he could just to reach the microphone. lol. I have memorized Taylor's part. Here it is, "She was inspired to write this hymn while atop Pike's Peak in Colorado while she was visiting the World's Fair in Alabaster City in Chicago." He even picked up an extra part because one classmate didn't show up! I don't remember what that part was though. Here are some pictures, we hope you enjoy them....
Enter Stage Left...
Taylor sitting in between Dennis the Menace and Tyler the Cutie Pie. lol

And we salute our Military Service Men and Women...
Taylor's best friend, Chance was Francis Scott Key. He looks so cute in his costume!
Singing The Star Spangled Banner.
These two little kids were awesome at singing! They had solo parts.
Waiting for his turn to speak.
Reciting his lines. He did so awesome!

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