28 October 2008

The Weekend Haps

The weekend was a long, busy, fun filled weekend for all . . . or at least I hope it was. =o) Friday we had a Fall Festival at Taylor's school. I love that we have to call it a Fall Festival to be politically correct even though they encouraged everyone to come in Halloween costumes. Anyhow, that was fun, and it was a lot bigger than last year's event. That night, Bonnie (Mark's mom) flew in for the weekend to celebrate Ryleigh's birthday.
Saturday morning we all kind of relaxed and enjoyed the calm. Then Mark and Taylor's team, the Dynamites had a game at 11AM. Their team colors are red, black and white. His team did awesome! They are a little more relaxed and calm on the field than I thought they would have been. They did score a goal, however they did lose the game by 5 points. BUT, its all about having fun!! First games are always a learning experience with a new team. You always learn what exactly it is that you need to work on. They did great, and everyone had a great time.
Then at 12:15, Austyn and I had a game. Our team is the Stingers because we are yellow and black. Our team did great. We scored a few goals in the right goal, and Austyn scored one in the opposite team's goal. Oops! And as I said before, all first games are a learning experience. I learned that we need to work on stopping when we hear a whistle. The kids would keep on going and going and going. We also need to work on no pushing!!! We did have a few hand balls, but that wasn't really an issue. At practice today we are going to play red light, green light. When I blow the whistle 2 times that means its a red light, and when I blow it once it is a green light. Hopefully the kids will catch on and the next game will go smoother in that aspect.
After the games, we headed home for some much needed lunch and naps before Ryleigh's big event. While the kids napped, we decorated with cobwebs, garland and cheesecloth. It looked cute. Not over done, or scary, but just enough for the kids at that age.
The party went great! We had a couple of people flake out, but it wasn't something we didn't expect. We had a farmer, a survivor, a Princess riding a Unicorn, a Cowboy and his horse, Superman, 2 scary boys, Mr. Incredible, Jack-Jack, a witch and Barney Rubble at the party. Ryleigh refused to wear her new tutu, and she was a little bit of a grump. She covered her eyes the entire time we sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. It was kind of cute. She refused to blow out her candles, or eat any real food. Don't worry, she devoured her cupcake! We played Pin the nose on the pumpkin, which even the older kids enjoyed, and then we opened gifts. She really wasn't into it at all. I think it was overwhelming for Miss Shyness. She did start to get excited towards the end when she saw a baby doll and a pony! She loves all of her gifts and she plays with all of them. Today she played dress-up with earrings and a necklace while Austyn was at school. I'll try to get thank-yous in the mail before the end of the week. Enjoy the slideshows of pictures. The first is from the Dynamite game, the second from the Stinger game and the third from the party!

Just as a side-note, I have another blog that I just started today. The link for it is http://VMHFAM.blogspot.com
It stands for Visit My Head For a Moment. I am starting this to write about my views and opinions about things going on around us in society and the world. I'm sure it will ruffle a few feathers at times, but hey, that's what opinions do! So, anyway, if you want to check that out every so often, please do so!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the slide show!
Mark, today is Veteran's Day and I want to again state how proud I am of you. I know your Grandpa would be, also. I am proud that you have chosen the Navy for a career, proud of your success there, and proud of your dedication to keeping our country free. But, most of all I am proud of the fine man, husband and father you have become. You are truly a joy in my heart!
Love to you all,
Grandma Hammer