20 October 2008

Cobb Ranch

We have visited Cobb Ranch every year since we have lived in the valley. A friend told us about it when we first moved here, and we've been loyal goers ever since. We go there twice a year to pick out pumpkins for Halloween, and to pick out a tree for Christmas. The kids love it because there is so much to do there. They have a corn maze, a train ride, a hay ride, the pumpkin patch (of course), the Christmas trees, animals and so much more. Last year was the first year we tried the corn maze. The kids had a blast, so we decided to do it again this year. There were a lot of people that were lost and asking us for help. We ended up helping a couple of ladies with a pack of kids. They had no clue where they were going. I suppose that's what happens when you let the kids lead the way. haha Ryleigh kept saying she wanted to touch the corn so we stopped every so often for her to feel the corn stalks. We made it out in no time at all, or so it seemed.
After the maze, we ventured over to the hay pyramid where the kids goofed around a little before we headed over to see the animals. Ryleigh was such a grouch that entire day, until we got to the animals. She has this natural draw to animals. Its amazing, and she's not typically scared of them either. I think she would have been in heaven if she could have hugged them and been right next to them. She did feed some goats. The boys loved the animals too. Taylor marveled at the Shetland ponies and Austyn liked the goats. My fave always has been, and always will be JJ the alpaca. He's just so cute with his little fro on top of his head. I didn't get a picture of JJ this year, but I do have one of him from last year. I'll have to find it.
Now we were set to find our pumpkins. Austyn picked the first one he saw, and then proceeded to change his mind about a million times after that. He did exchange it for a different one. After that, I made him stick to his choice. His pumpkin is short and round. Ryleigh found her pumpkin next, and it is completely different. All of our pumpkins are really fat and round. Her pumpkin is tall and more oval shaped, and its more yellowish orange than orange. But she was happy with it and very excited about it. Mark, Taylor and I picked our pumpkins from the Pumpkin Korral (that's how they spelled it!)where they have "the best looking pumpkins." Or so it seems. The pumpkins in there were by far the largest, smallest and probably they best shaped ones. I don't think we have ever gotten pumpkins this big before. They are probably a good foot and a half wide by foot and a half tall. They are big, but I think that makes it more fun. We love carving our pumpkins. We won't do that until a few days before Halloween though.Well, that about sums up our bi-annual trip to the Historical Cobb Ranch. Enjoy the slide show, and again, to view all of the images in a larger format, click on "View all images"

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