24 October 2008

6 More Years!

Another guaranteed 6 years of being a Navy wife is in my future. Mark reenlisted for his 2nd time around yesterday afternoon. He has been in for 10 years now, and will be in for 16 by the time his next reenlistment comes around. I of course went to show my support and excitement for him. I was all ready with the camera and everything, and all was good . . . until it was time for the ceremony to actually begin. People started piling into the Ready Room and Mark had to hand Ryleigh over to me. That was not a good move, because the demanding little angel just had to have her daddy at that very moment! She started crying and screaming and throwing a very well timed 2 year old temper-tantrum. I had to leave the room with her and we stood in the hallway during the ceremony. I did catch the last 30 seconds of it, and managed to make it in to have a letter of appreciation presented to me. In order to receive my letter, I had to hand her over to Mark, and yet again, the sweet, innocent, angelic daughter of mine was not satisfied. She did get over it relatively quickly this time, and she was able to sit very quietly, and happily during the end of it all. During all of this time, I enlisted the help of a very opportunistic child who has a knack for getting pictures of the surroundings. Taylor was in charge of taking pictures. The pictures he took weren't exactly of what I asked him to take pictures of. He was snapping photos of everyone in the room, things on the wall, a fake bomb on the ground, the table. You name it, he got it. He did manage to get a couple of pictures of Mark, so I'll give him credit for that.lol . The room was filled with mostly officers and chiefs with about a handful of enlisted people. Not to worry, there was an adult in the room actually taking pictures, so once I get those, I'll post those. =o) It was nice to see that so many people cared to be there for his ceremony. A friend, and co-worker bought an ice cream cake for the occasion. I heard it was fantastic. I wouldn't know, because the dang thing had chocolate in it!! Mark did ask her not get chocolate, but she did anyway. Not because she didn't care or anything like that. She didn't realize that chocolate makes me sick, and she thought, huh, a little fudge in the ice cream . . . what sane woman wouldn't love that! Right? Wrong! I am sane, but no chocolate for me. =o) She did apologize. The kids loved it and everyone else thoroughly enjoyed it. It was nice, and I was happy that I was able to be there to support Mark . . . even if it was from the hallway!

Enjoy the slide show and commentary. =o) Click "View all images" to see larger pictures.

And these are just for fun. If you ever wondered what the boys would look like as blondes, your curiosity is cured!!

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