03 October 2008

Just a Quick Update

We haven't been up to much lately. Taylor starts soccer next week, which Mark will be coaching. We are all excited about that. I will be Team Mom....DUH! haha. I will also be coaching Austyn's soccer team. I think it will be lots of fun, even if I don't know a whole lot about soccer. At this point in the game, his age group is just learning the fundamentals, which are kicking the ball, not touching with their hands and kicking it into the right net. So, it'll be fun. Wish me luck! Ryleigh is just being her girly self. She still loves having her nails painted and her hair fixed, although she rips out her barrettes and ponies seconds later. I've given up, and I just scrunch a little mousse in her hair so it isn't all frizzy and nappy and slip a barrette in to keep her bangs out of her face. These days she's into dressing up and pretending to cook. She's a crack-up. Taylor's still doing phenomenal in school. He's reading books that are on the 3.9 level...which is almost 4th grade. Can you believe that!??! Austyn is also doing great in school. He looks forward to it, and he enjoys it when he gets homework. Odd, but he likes to be like Taylor. =o) The kids are busy watching Iron Man this evening. Mark is out paint balling....lucky guy. I signed him up for a guys night out with our housing community. They sponsor all kinds of activities at random times, and tonight was a guys night out, strictly men. In bold print it said, "No women or children allowed!" I kind of felt like a kid again with the 'no girls allowed' sign. LOL. So, he's out enjoying a night out. I hope he has fun. Well, here are just a few random pictures I took of the kids today. Enjoy.Taylor in his "Elvis" glasses as he calls them. He bought them at the Eagle Buck Store from school.

Austyn after getting sprayed by the sprinkler.
Ryleigh cheesing for the camera.
They LOVE each other...most of the time!
Last, but not least, I think Ry is feeling a little left out these days. Here, she is wearing Taylor's first pair of cleats, from when he was 3. They are about oh, I don't know, 5 sizes too big! LOL. She insisted on wearing them and she was going to play soccer and then she saw me with the camera and she kicked them off!

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