03 February 2008

Migraines, Fleas and Defiance!

Boy am I glad the weekend is coming to an end! It has been long and gruesome. Friday night wasn't so bad. I had errands to run and a Dr. appointment to go to, so Ryleigh and Austyn were able to play at a friends house while I did all of that. Shortly after visiting the hospital for my appointment, a migraine came over me. I hate when I get migraines because they are so awful. Unfortunately, for me and my family, the only thing I can take is Motrin. I have tried stronger meds and I've tried meds made for migraines. It doesn't matter what it is, if it is stronger than Motrin, I have every single side effect listed on the side of the bottle! Usually the side effects go away after about two or three days which is far worse than the migraine itself. So, I am stuck taking 800mg Motrin and taking naps to sleep off the pain. Lucky for me, I have an awesome friend who was able to pick Taylor up from school that afternoon. I took a very long nap and woke up refreshed!
Saturday was awful! Okay, so really it wasn't that bad, but it definitely could have been better. Just recently we discovered that Roscoe somehow contracted fleas! I was beyond livid when I found this out. He has never had fleas before and we have never had a problem with fleas in our area before. Not to mention, fleas are known to 'come out' more during the warmer months. It is definitely not warm here. It actually hailed today and freaked poor Roscoe out. lol. Anyway, back to the fleas. I took him in to the groomer to have a day of pampering. haha. He had a warm bath, followed by a soak in flea shampoo and flea treatment. He spent the day there and I spent the day bombing my house and wasting time at Target. We bombed our entire house and sprayed our backyard for fleas. I really hope they are gone. It disgusts me to have them in the house. I think he got them from our new neighbors' cat. I often see the cat in our backyard, which drives me crazy. The cat has sprayed all of our bushes in front of the house, so anytime I walk out to the car I smell the lovely scent of feline urine. Its absolutely wonderful! I wish there were some sort of cat repellent that I could set in the backyard. That would be great.
Its Sunday night, and here we are (We being, Roscoe and I), sitting at the computer when we have chores to do. Today has been a fairly decent day. It didn't start out so great. Yesterday when I bombed the house, I turned off the refrigerator per the instructions on the package. Well, this genius lady I know forgot to turn the fridge back on! Yeah. That would be me. I can't believe I forgot to turn it back on! Needless to say, all of the food in the fridge and freezer needed to be thrown out because it was almost lukewarm, and melted. We were planning on going grocery shopping anyway, so maybe it was fate. haha. Taylor, Austyn and even my beautiful little angel, Ryleigh have all been testing my patience today. Taylor seems to think that falling down while he is walking is hilarious. It drives me crazy, and I think it's stupid! Austyn thinks he is the boss and is constantly telling Taylor and Ryleigh what to do. And Ryleigh, well, that girl, she is something else! Today, she found a marker and I asked her if I could please have it. Well, normally, she would happily turn it over and clap, but not today. She shook her head 'no' to me and took off down the hallway. I told her that she doesn't tell mommy no, and I asked her again for the marker. Again, she shook her head no, and she put the marker behind her back! She's getting smart. So, again, I tell her she doesn't tell me no. This time, she shook her head 'yes' as if to say, yes, I can tell you no! I eventually got the marker. I just couldn't believe her rebellious little behind today! Roscoe has been the only good one, it seems. We'll get crazy and give him two treats and a pig ear for being so good! lol
And that was our long weekend. It doesn't seem so bad when it is all summed up, so maybe it really wasn't as bad as I thought it was!

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