28 February 2008

Nothing to Report....

Well, the title states it all....nothing to report! Nothing fantastic or exciting at least. haha. We are still just keeping busy and trying to pass the time while Mark is gone. Austyn is fully potty trained! YAY! That means no more bedtime accidents! It is wonderful! Taylor has baseball tryouts on Saturday. I'll take lots of pictures, so look out for those. And little Miss Ryleigh knows how to open the doors in our house! We aren't sure whether that is good or bad yet! That's about it for our quick little update. Here are some pictures of the kids! We hope you enjoy!Taylor enjoying himself at the park a couple of days ago.
Austyn, he looks so sweet an innocent! Oh how deceiving pictures can be! J/KThe kids enjoying themselves on the slide.I'm not sure what he is up to. He took this with his camera.Taylor-7, Austyn-3 and Ryleigh 16 months.She's signing 'Daddy'. She knows how to sign and say 'Mommy', however, she refuses!Life is tough when you can't figure out the pedals on your bike!To be this cheesy and still get called cute and adorable is a feat well managed! lol

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