20 February 2008

Just an Update...

I know its been a little while since we've updated everyone, so here we go.
Mark is still gone. Duh. lol. He visited Japan for about 4 days. I'm sure you all got the pictures that he sent to everyone. He seems to be doing well and his spirits seem high, which is great!
Taylor is walking to school on his own daily. It is such a big step for him and he loves his new-found freedom that he has! He has baseball tryouts at the beginning of March. He's in little league now, so no more baby stuff, this is the real deal! He's excited about it. The season starts on March 29th, so look for lots of pictures! I'll be the paparazzi! haha
Austyn is doing great. Talking 24/7 and constantly asking questions about everything. He's such a little sweet heart and such a love bug. He tells me that he misses his Daddy when he gets sad. We just keep reading our paper chain and watch it get shorter with every day that passes. Austyn is old enough for T-Ball this year! WOOHOO! He is so excited about it. The season starts on April 19th. I can't wait, and again, I'll be the paparazzi at the field!
Ryleigh is so different from the boys! She watches everything that goes on, and she's such a little parrot. She repeats actions and tries to repeat words. She isn't talking a whole lot, but she gets her point across. She knows sign language, so that helps her a lot! She has started to put her hand in her hair when you tell her she's beautiful, gorgeous or pretty. She hears this on a daily basis, so she does it often! I think its the cutest!
I am doing pretty well. I'm just taking care of the little ones and trying to have some adult time. I've started having coffee with a friend of mine during the week. We only get together once or twice a week, but its so nice to be able to sit and chit chat. She has a son who is 2 months older than Ryleigh, so he, Ryleigh and Austyn have a great time playing with each other. We are still counting down the days to Mark's return. I can't believe that an entire month has passed us by already. Well, almost! We'll be sending Mark a St. Patrick's day and Easter package in the next week or so. He LOVES getting packages, so we like to send lots of goodies. Plus the guys he works with love it when he gets packages because he shares his goodies with them. He says they are jealous. haha!
Well, that's about it! Nothing terribly exciting going on in our neck of the woods!
Here are some pictures of the kids.....

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