10 March 2008

Seriously....What is Wrong with My Kid?

Last Tuesday, when Roscoe had an appointment for his assortment of issues, Ryleigh and Austyn were at our friend's house. Our friends watched them for us, and I was thankful for that. Well, we ended up staying at their house for dinner. They didn't have anything out of the ordinary, just spaghetti and salad. We have had spaghetti numerous times. As we are eating, I start to notice that the side of his face is bright red and it looks like he has bumps on his face. I take a closer look, and think, well maybe its from playing outside today. Its possible. Well a couple of days go by and over the days his rash on his face seems to come and go when he eats. He isn't eating anything different or new. So, I think okay, well if it does it again, we are going straight to the Dr. It didn't do it again, until yesterday. We were all outside enjoying the day. He was riding his big wheel up and down the driveway while I cleaned the truck. I looked up and noticed that his legs looked awfully red. So, I call him over and I take a closer look. He has this red splotchy spotty looking rash all over his legs and arms. That was the last straw! We packed up the kids and went straight to the hospital. We were there for about an hour and a half or so and the Dr. walks in. She looks at him. And then she begins to ask me all the usual questions that you would typically ask when dealing with a sick child or a child who has a rash.
Has he eaten anything new? NO.
Have you changed laundry detergents? NO.
Does he have a history of allergies? NO.
Does he have any food allergies? NO.
Has he had a fever? NO.
Has he had diarrhea? NO.
Has he been vomiting? NO.
Has he been itchy? NO.
Does he appear to be in pain?
NO. NO, NO, NO! The answers to every single question were NO! So then she says, well I think its an allergy, we'll get him started on some Claritin, and hope it clears up! WHAT?!?! Are you kidding me? You didn't even get a good look at his 'rash'. And you 'hope' that the claritin clears it up. GEE Thanks! Next time I have a big gaping wound, remind me to not come see you, because you might just put a band aid on it and say, Oh, that should take care of it! The doctors that work in our urgent care clinic really seem to have a lack of interest. They have that "who cares" attitude and act like they are so bothered when they have to come in and see us. They don't do a good job at all and they surely don't seem like they take pride in the work that they do! The nurse came in to discharge us and she stated, well we don't have any paperwork for you....because we don't know what it is!! THEN FIND OUT WHAT THE HELL IT IS! I just want to grab these people by their fat little heads and shake them until they scream, and say, "THIS IS MY CHILD! PLEASE HELP HIM!" It's their job, their skill, their duty, and supposed to be their passion. They didn't just skim through medical school and think that they hated it the entire time. It takes dedication, passion and hard work to become a doctor in this world today. Forgive me for ranting and raving like a mad woman, but when it comes to my children, mediocrity and laziness is not accepted!
Now it seems as though the rash is here to stay. The intensity of the color seems to vary. Sometimes it is light pink, and other times it is very bright pinkish red. I've noticed that when we spend time outdoors it seems to "flare" up. I'll make sure to bring this to the Dr's attention tomorrow. I'm also taking all of the pictures along with us in case the rash decides to go into hiding or light pink mode!

Here is a picture of Austyn's face (LEFT side) that I took on Friday:
I took these pictures of him yesterday when we got home from the Urgent Care Clinic. These pictures were taken around 6PM:

This is his LEFT arm:
This is his RIGHT arm:
This is the FRONT of his legs. Doesn't look too bad here:
This is a closeup of the FRONT of his legs:
This is a closeup of the BACK of his LEFT leg:
This is his RIGHT cheek, yesterday:
This is his FACE today after we were outside for about 1 hour. It was early this morning, so it wasn't hot yet.These pictures were taken around 11:30AM:
This is his LEFT arm, today:
This is his RIGHT arm, today:
The FRONT of his LEGS, today:
His LEFT leg, Today:
His RIGHT leg today:
This is the back of his LEFT leg:

1 comment:

The Sheridans said...

Wow! I would definately not let that go! It looks like hives or something....weird! Let me know what happens! Give Austyn a big hug from Aunt LoLo!