28 October 2007

Taylor's 1st soccer game!

I should have written yesterday, but it was such a busy busy day that I didn't have time to. Well, I did, but I was tired. Anyway. Yesterday was Taylor's first soccer game of the season. We don't entirely like his coach, and his coach definitely doesn't like me. The assistant coach has made it clear that earrings are not to be worn, because those are the "rules and regulations." He thought he should address it because Taylor goes to practice with his earrings in. I really feel like he is being a jerk to us because Taylor is a boy and has his ears pierced. It isn't his business. So, I spoke with the director of Youth Sports. Guess what? Taylor can wear his earrings all he wants during practice, and he can wear them during games, so long as he wears band aids over them! So, just to be a brat, we left his earrings in! I know I should be the bigger person, but I just wanted to be like "IN YOUR FACE!" LOL. Anyway, the other team had a little girl with earrings in and no one said a word to her. Hmmm. Odd.

At the end of the game, the coach sort of gave a "lecture" of, "You guys need to get that ball, protect the goal...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. IF you guys were to get with it, we'd be running circles around these guys!" "Oh and by the way, you guys did great!" That really upset me. I was like, okay they are 5 and 6 year old kids. They don't need to be put down and then praised as if to make up for the verbal beating they just got. Any one of Taylor's other coaches would have said, "You guys did great, and now we know what we need to work on for the next game!"

Taylor requested that his coach put his nickname on his jersey "T-Bone" and his coach's response was, "I'm putting your name on it and that's that!"

Okay, okay, so enough complaining. Taylor's game was good. He did really well, although he wasn't as aggressive as he was when he first started. A lot of the kids on his team aren't as advanced as he is. (I'm not saying that he is like a superstar) But, he really is a much better player than most. I think he is hanging back with the other kids because he "thinks" that's what he is supposed to do. He did get in there and get the ball a few times and even almost scored a couple of times. None-the-less he did awesome, and we let him know how great he was!

So here are a couple of pictures from the game! I hope you enjoy. And I apologize for turning this blog into a bitch-fest! LOL


The Sheridans said...

Hey, great pics! What a bummer about his coach. I hate that when coaches are such jerks but unfortunately you can't pick the coach sometimes. I think it's awesome that you stood your ground. That's exactly what I would have done and what a good example to Taylor to not just conform to what other's think is acceptable. What an ass! Anyway, great blog, you go girl! XOXO

Grandma Furini said...

Thanks so much for the pictures! They are all SO CUTE!!! The Blog picture are all awesome!
Did Ryleigh get her late birthday card? YUM, that cake looked good!!!It's not like me to mess birthdays & such, but for some reason, this year I've been horrible at being late!
We're all doing okay. Your grandpa has his other caterac removed the 15 th.
Take care & give those absolutely adorable kids extra hugs & kisses for us! 'Till later, grandma Marcia