30 October 2007

Ryleigh's Special Day

Today is a very special day. This is the day that my youngest baby turns ONE. We will never again celebrate this special occasion for our own children. It is a bittersweet day in that the first year of milestones and celebrations are over. But at the same time, our family is growing older together. The first birthday will be replaced by all of the other birthdays that are yet to come. I'd say the most relieving part of this day is knowing that there are no more heartburn infested nights or morning sickness ahead. No more 2, 4 and 6 AM feedings in our future! We move forward. ONWARD MARCH!

So, Little Miss Ryleigh officially turned one at 7:31 this morning. She's no different today than yesterday, except now she is twelve months old.

She still isn't walking, but for some insane reason, I keep encouraging the walking!!! LOL She will step away from the table or sofa and take a few steps on her own. She'll also walk about six or seven steps towards me before she totally loses her balance from excitement. Its so wonderful to see her try so hard and the look on her face is priceless. I love it.

She has lots of little curls that are so adorable. Her curls are only at the base of her neck and on the back of her head. When I wash her hair it straightens out and her hair goes all the way to her shoulders!

She has four teeth, but they aren't the four teeth that the average one year old has. She has her two teeth on the bottom. That's normal. And then she has her two front teeth on the left. Her two front teeth on the right are beginning to come in. Needless to say, she looks a little goofy when she smiles. lol

Ryleigh is the sweetest girl ever. She absolutely adores and loves her big brothers and they of course feel the same for her. She is very quiet and doesn't take to strangers very well, but once she opens up she is such a lovable baby. She loves on Mark and often gives him kisses now that she has adjusted to him.

Well, that's our little girl in a nutshell for you. She is the angel that has made our family complete and today she turned one. Where has the last year gone! Time flies, that's for sure.

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