17 January 2009

My Run-in With an F-18

We all know how our kids just love to leave things lying around the house and how we always seem to be asking them to pick up their toys. Well, there was an accident yesterday that involved an F-18 that I really hope will teach my kids a valuable lesson in listening to their mother. Usually its the kids that end up injured when they don't listen. And it has nothing to do with something I did. haha. Last night was a little different. I was injured by an F-18. Obviously not by an actual life-size jet. Taylor had 2 friends over for a sleepover and I was walking down the hallway to use the bathroom when I tripped . . . over the toys that the kids had been asked to pick up. =o) Do you see where this is headed? I really don't like wearing shoes or socks. I hate things on my feet, so naturally, I was barefoot. And, the nose of a metal F-18 toy jet stabbed my foot! I wish I was exaggerating and just had a scratch, but I'm not. It hurt like hell and I think it starting hurting even more after I saw it. lol. I was bleeding, and just for fun, I'll give details. The wound itself was about a quarter of the size of a nickel. Did you catch that? I know it may sound a little confusing, but bear with me. The nose of the jet stabbed my foot and then proceeded to go in deeper while pulling my skin from my foot and essentially stuffing my skin under my skin. Lovely. I cleaned it up to the best of my ability, slapped a band-aid on it and called it a night. Well, it was throbbing and hurting awfully bad, and the band-aid was blood soaked. The most painful part was the area where ripped skin was shoved under intact skin. Being the genius mom I am, I decided that I would try to cut the skin away with some nail scissors. It didn't really seem like a bad idea, but the pain wouldn't allow me to actually do it. Ryleigh was cringing and covering her mouth and saying, "OOOOWW!" the entire time. She's such a girl. And just to be funny, all of the boys were covering their ears waiting for a scream. lol. I didn't go through with it and sucked it up until this morning when I finally went in to the doctor. They asked me a million times what I did, and kind of laughed when I told them. Jerks. =o) A tetanus shot, lydacaine, and some skin short, I was okay. The lydacaine is what hurt the most, and I uttered a few profane words at the doctor, but once it was numb, I was okay. They removed the skin over the rest of the wound, cleaned it some more and put a dressing on it and sent me home. Now my wound is about half the size of a nickel. They didn't give me any pain meds, but then again I don't really blame them. The last time I was at the hospital they prescribed vicodin and Motrin. I have a laundry list of narcotics, muscle relaxers and pain medications that just sit in my cabinet. I have a very low tolerance for anything that might do me some good, so in the end it doesn't really do anything for me but make me worse. I'll stick with my Motrin. I can't walk on my foot which is really fun. =o) I told Mark they should have just given me a wheelchair. I was just kidding, but it was a funny thought. So, let that be a lesson moms, dads and children! Pickyour toys up off of the floor. Speaking of floors, I should go now because my poor daughter has fallen asleep on the floor due the lack of a nap.

It's worse than it looks.

1 comment:

The Sheridans said...

OOWWW!!!! I just got the chills looking at it! That is one of those times where you needed the KID to step on it since they were the ones that left it out but of course YOUR foot found it. Hope it's feeling better!