13 January 2009

What Good Times...

So, today was Taylor's very first day of basketball season! He has been wanting to play since he was six, and unfortunately, I just kept missing the sign-up dates. They are in the middle of the soccer season, and are usually the last thing I am thinking of with soccer, Thanksgiving and Christmas coming. However, this year I managed to make the sign-ups. Well, okay, so I made the late sign-ups and had to pay an additional $10 for it, but hey, I made it! I took him to the mall yesterday afternoon so that he could get some basketball shoes. He picked a pair of Jordan's that actually have a photograph of "the man" himself on the sole of the shoe. He was pretty excited about them and he wore them to school today to help break them in. Anyway, so his practice was at 4 today and I could tell he was really excited about it. This was something fresh, something new and he couldn't wait to jump right into it. The coach is a guy who has played softball with Mark, so Mark and Taylor know him. They started off practice by doing suicides! Yes, that's right! I said suicides. Can you believe it?!?! 7 & 8 year old kids running suicides, but I guess you have to have endurance in basketball, so run away. The kids actually thought it was fun. I would probably fall over and die if I attempted to run suicides right now. hahaha. Okay, I'll give myself some credit, I could probably make it through a round of them and then fall over and die. Then it was off to stations where they learned all about passing, dribbling and shooting before they scrimmaged each other. Taylor is amazing! He is very athletic and he surprises me a lot. He is really hard on himself and always says that he stinks at basketball and he should practice more, but I think he is doing great. He made at the very least half of all the shots he went for. He even stole the ball and almost scored in their scrimmage! WOOHOO! Go Taylor! I had a great time watching him play. He had a big cheesy grin pasted to his face all practice. It made me really happy to see him so excited and happy to be playing. I'm glad I remembered to sign him up this time around and I'm going to try to remember in the future as well. I took a few pictures, I'll have to post them later because I don't really feel like loading them onto the computer.
Off to some, "I told you so" news. While I was cooking dinner tonight, Austyn decided to do what I ask him NOT to do on a daily basis, and that is to not jump/climb/wrestle or horse around on the furniture because someone could fall and hit their head on the table. Well, it was definitely an "I told you so" moment tonight when he was screaming bloody murder. I had to hang up on Mark and tend to Austyn. He managed to get a big goose egg and cut his head in two places. Not to worry, it isn't anything major, just a nick that bled a little. I watched his behavior and his energy. He's fine, thank goodness! After a couple of hours I gave him some Motrin for his pain. I think he has finally learned that he should probably listen to what I say.

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