15 May 2008

My daughter...Overdramatic...Never!

HAHA! Ryleigh is now 18 months old and the terrible twos are not right around the corner. They are here, and they don't seem to be going anywhere. Her temper-tantrums that she throws these days are hysterical. I can't help but to laugh and I'm sure that makes her angry. I've tried the whole ignoring the tantrum so that she can see it won't get her anything, but sometimes they just seem to drag on. She's so dramatic too. I guess this is what happens with girls, right? Yesterday when she woke up from her nap, I greeted her with a very pleasant, "Good morning beautiful!" just like I always do. Well, apparently she didn't want to hear this because she literally collapsed onto the floor and buried her face in the carpet. I laughed. She got up a few seconds later and I asked her if she needed to go potty. Again, she collapsed onto the floor and buried her face in the carpet. I laughed some more. Another few seconds went by and we repeated the above scenario about 4 times before I finally was at my wits end and picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. When she doesn't get what she wants she usually falls to the ground and lays there like "Woe is me!" Today when I made her get out of Mark's car, she walked into the grass and then ran towards the car and banged up against the side of his car and then proceeded to hang by the door handle. I hope this is amusing to you. lol. I'm sure my mom is laughing her behind off at this one. For the most part, I seem to find the humor in her temper-tantrums that she has begun to embrace. When I laugh, I laugh quietly where she can't see or hear me. I don't want her to think that it is okay or pleasing to watch her get angry. Hopefully this little phase of hers will soon pass and she will return to being the little angel she always has been. HAHAHAHA!
PS-Her potty training is going phenomenal. She has on average, 2 accidents a day, if that. For the most part, she sleeps through nap time without peeing! She's doing awesome. We are also transitioning from a sippy to a regular big girl cup. She is not at all happy about this, but she sucks it up and gets on with her life!
Austyn is doing wonderfully. He is such a sweet and loving boy for the most part. He has his moments and is over the temper-tantrum thing. His latest thing is that he literally whines/cries every time he can't seem to get something done or if he doesn't get his way. He goes to timeout every time he does this. He always says, "I done Mommy. I done crying!" before he even makes it to timeout. He knows it drives me bananas, but he does it anyway. That's what he's supposed to do anyway, right? lol. He is absolutely loving baseball! He is getting really good at hitting the ball and fielding the ball. The season is over for him in just a couple of weeks.
Taylor is doing awesome in school. He loves it! He's in the top of his class for reading and math. He has a little bit of a hard time with his writing, but we are working on that. His latest thing is telling me to hold on. I'll ask him to do something, like feed the dog, and he'll be busy playing his psp or playing with cars or doing something he wants and his response is, "Hold on, I'm almost done with this game" Oh man, it drives me crazy! He is limited to 45 minutes a day on his psp otherwise he won't do anything else!! Boys and their toys. He is doing great with baseball. He's become an awesome hitter, and he plays a pretty good 1st base. He needs to work a little on his fielding, but he does good!
I am doing good, just holding down the fort for the most part. We spend 5 out of 7 days at the ball fields, so we keep pretty busy these days. I will definitely be thankful when the season is over so that we can get back to our regular routine. We have to eat dinner at 4PM, just to get to baseball on time on most days. We always end up eating snacks after dinner because we are all starving. lol. Mark will be home very soon, and we can not wait! We are starting to work on all of our signs and banners for his homecoming. We are all very excited to see him and will be more than please to have him home again! That's all for now.

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