31 May 2008


As you all know, Mark is almost home! We are all very very anxious as we await this day, but we are trying to keep very busy with activities to keep our minds off of the impending time. I'm extremely relieved that we are not driving down to San Diego to pick Mark up. I had to put gas into the truck today, and although I had 1/4 of a tank left, it cost NINETY-EIGHT DOLLARS! I almost had a heart attack when I went to press the button to select the grade of gas. $4.24! WOW. Let's just say....we won't be going anywhere! I haven't put a whole lot of gas while Mark has been gone as we have been sticking close to home. I just can't believe we are paying that much for gas. It makes me want to suck it up and walk everywhere I have to go. If only that were possible.
Okay, so enough about the gas. Today was Austyn's last game and last night was Taylor's last game. They both did awesome and they have both improved. Austyn received his trophy today and was so excited about that. It was his first ever! Taylor won't be getting a trophy until Tuesday evening. We are having a dinner party at a restaurant on base to celebrate the end of the season and to say thanks to our coaches. I must say that Taylor had a phenomenal set of coaches this year. They helped Taylor improve upon his skills and techniques and they helped him along his way. They were always very positive and encouraging with the kids. There is no hope of having them as coaches again, as they are moving to Europe at the end of the week. We wish them the best.
The boys had their hair cut today. They definitely needed it. They were both starting to look a little shaggy, and now they look like well respectable military boys. lol. We also had the truck washed today and we each bought a new outfit for Mark's homecoming. I didn't realize it until now, but, my dress is red, Ryleigh's is white, Austyn will be wearing a blue and Taylor will also be wearing some red. So, we will be very patriotic and spirited. lol. Tomorrow, Ryleigh and I have a girl's day scheduled. I am going to have a Mani/pedi and Ryleigh hopefully will sit through a nail painting of her own. I really hope that she enjoys it and that she lets them do it. She loves having her nails painted and her hair brushed, so we should be good. You never know. We will also be baking cookies tomorrow, as per the request of Mark. Monday, we will be making rice krispy treats, also per the request of Mark. He doesn't say what he really wants, does he?! hahaha. And then Tuesday, he will be home!
Oh, and I have also won a ticket for us. I purchased 20 tickets for the first kiss. The first kiss ticket entitles Mark to be the first person off of his flight to have the first kiss with...yours truly! I also just found out that his flight has been bumped up 2 hours. He was and still is on the 2ND flight, but they are just leaving at the same time as the first flight. Exciting for me!
Taylor's last day of school is Thursday, and next week should be pretty relaxed for him. Tuesday they will be having a field day. For those of you who have no clue what that is, it's a day spent pretty much outdoors doing fun and silly activities. Wednesday they are having a pool party and Thursday they have an award ceremony. I'm not sure what they have planned for Monday.
Well, that pretty much covers all the bases. I just wanted to update you all as much as I could to since I most likely won't be blogging right away when Mark comes home!

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