28 November 2007

Officially a First Class Petty Officer

The day has finally come where they frocked Mark. It only took them a good two weeks! Can you believe it? I never thought they took so long to frock the sailors. I always heard of it being done within a week at most.
Mark was officially named a First Class Petty Officer! YAY!!! I am so excited and proud of him and for him. He has worked so hard to get to where he is today. I think he feels a sense of relief that he has finally made it. Now he can sort of take a breather and relax for a minute. I only took a couple of pictures at the frocking because we were on the wrong side....OF COURSE! We got there with about 5 minutes to spare, which was cutting it a little too close for me. I hate running late and just barely making it somewhere. I couldn't find my ID, and if I hadn't found it, we wouldn't have been able to attend the frocking that I insisted and threw a fit about. I'm such a brat, I know. Mark just seemed to make excuses about us going until I said...fine we just won't go. You don't want us there, so we won't go. Again...I'm such a brat. If I hadn't found my ID it would have been karma coming back around to kick my ass for being such a big brat about it all. But what matters is that we made it just in the nick of time and Mark did want us there after all. I guess he's just a man and doesn't know how to say exactly what it is he wants or needs or thinks or feels. Ah, but I love him anyway, and he loves the big brat I am too. So, here are the 2 pictures I took. Take a look at that nice clean, pressed uniform with all the stripes on it! lol. (BTW, I didn't clean it or press it, the cleaners did! I can't take credit for that. haha) I even brought the big hot shot first class some dinner tonight. I'm so nice. :D

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