07 November 2007


Okay, okay, so I'll admit that I may have fallen off the wagon. It's been 6 days since my last post. I feel like I'm at an AA meeting or something...haha. We have been keeping busy and I haven't really been online much this last week except to check e-mail, so I apologize.
We spent our Saturday at softball. Yep. Mark has been home for a whopping month and already we have made our way to an all-day softball tournament. It actually wasn't that bad. The weather was nice and the kids were surprisingly good for most of the day. Mark's team, "Total Chaos" lost the tournament in the championship game. That's usually the way it works. lol. We went out to the outlet malls after that, and it wasn't anything spectacular. The prices didn't seem any lower than what the mall had. Then after about an hour and a half of boring shopping we went to dinner at a pizza parlor. Mark saw a mouse scurry across the floor and I swear I have been sick since!
Now for the point of this blog...Taylor scored 3 goals in his soccer game tonight!! This was their first night game and their first weekday game. Mark couldn't make it since he is working nights. It sucks, let me tell you! Anyway. This was Taylor's third game and we have been telling him to get in there and get the ball and take it from the other team, be aggressive, and score for heaven's sake! LOL Well, tonight he finally took our advice! Their team had 4 points, 3 of which were scored by the superstar. HAHA! He did awesome tonight. He kept taking the ball from the other team and he almost scored a couple of other times. I kept Mark in the loop via text messaging. You gotta love technology!
Now for the sore highlights of the game. The assistant coach was yelling at the kids on the other team. They were sitting next to a fence and he took it upon himself to run across the field in the middle of the game to yell at these kids and tell them to get down. I thought that was pretty crappy considering their parents were in plain view of them. If their parents wanted to scold them, they were perfectly capable of doing so. The coach said something about earrings again. I told him at the last practice that it's not rules or regulations that earrings must be removed. I then told him that Taylor will continue to wear his. He was pissed. An ignorant parent looked at Taylor and said, "Don't the boys need to take our their earrings too? It shouldn't matter boys or girls, studs or hoops, take them out, right?" That's when the coach had to tell the parents that it is his "personal preference" that the earrings be removed. I hate his coach more and more with each game and practice that they have. He's a crappy teacher, he's rude and he has no patience!! I hope Taylor gets a better coach next year.
All in all, Taylor did superb and I couldn't be more proud of him tonight!

1 comment:

The Sheridans said...

Tell Taylor that is awesome! I wish we lived closer and we would come watch him and cheer him on....not to mention I would havea few words for that coach! It's going to be a long soccer season with that coach!