17 October 2009

No Clever Title Here

I couldn't think of anything to explain why I've been on hiatus yet again, and how my lack of blogging now leaves me in an update predicament. So here, goes, boring, generic blog, enjoy.

I don't even remember what my last blog was about, so I'll just start with "WE MOVED!" Yes, again. When are we not moving? Okay, but seriously, this time, I'm pretty sure we won't be moving again. I believe my words to Mark were, "Good luck getting me to leave this place. I'm in love and I'm having an affair . . . with the beach." I'm such a good wife, right? Honestly, this place is great. We have found our dream home, okay, maybe not we, just me. Mark is more of a Northwest guy, loves the mountains and the snow. How did we end up together again? Oh yeah, that's right, he found me at my favorite place on earth. haha. Mark has never stepped foot in this house. In fact, he has never even physically seen it, but I'm sure he'll love it. I love this house. Its in the country, and its not far from the city or the beach.

Taylor goes to a great school. Its one of the best in the county, which really doesn't say much considering the school district was ranked like number 50 out of 55 for the state of Florida. But, it is a great school, and he will excel no matter what. I don't think much is going to ever hinder him, except confidence. He needs more of it, but then again, don't we all. His teacher is sweet, and his class is small. He has a class of 16, how awesome is that. I love the smaller class size because it makes for a much better teaching environment. That, and the teacher doesn't have to run to her locked cabinet and take a swig from her flask throughout the day.

Austyn is doing great. He is loving living in the new house, mostly the fact that he gets to ride his bike in the road. Being that there aren't a whole lot of people on our street, all of the kids on the street ride their bikes into the culdesac and race and play. There are a lot of kids on our street for him to play with, and having friends makes him happy.

Ryleigh on the other hand, is still doing great. She is still having issues with her shyness. I really can't blame her considering we are in a new, strange place, surrounded by new, strange people. She does okay most of the time, and she is adjusting very well. She is absolutely in love with having her own bathroom with her pink toothpaste, pink shampoo, and pink body wash. I must admit that I love walking into her bathroom because it smells so girlish.

Roscoe is doing good. I think he loves Florida. He has become increasingly protective, and that makes me feel good. He is such a good boy, and he's adjusting well. Bailey on the other hand. *sigh* Bailey is going to be the death of me. She is such a puppy and it drives me crazy. I don't have the time, patience, or love to deal with her. Sad, but true.

Mark is doing well, I suppose. He and I don't talk much these days. He's been pretty busy working on a hard to get qualification. He's a hard worker, and he's amazing at what he does, so I'm confident that he'll knock their socks off. Everything is still as scheduled for his homecoming, or at least we think. He is still waiting on having those orders in his hands. Time is winding down and he will soon be back in the awesome town of Lemoore and then headed for us.

I am doing good, or as good as possible considering I'm living like a homeless person in an abandoned house. Okay it isn't that bad. We have an air mattress, two computers, internet access, toys, clothes, some dishes, things to cook with, a fridge, food, working water and electricity, so I'm a sophisticated not so homeless person. But at the same time, that's all we have, and I have three kids I have to entertain as well as two dogs. I'm still looking for work. I've applied everywhere and anywhere possible. I'm also in my third term of school, and I'm beyond over it. School is overrated, but I've managed to eek out a bunch of B's, so that's promising.

Well I suppose that's about all I have to talk about this time around. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, because I always am, but I don't have the patience to sit here and rack my brain over a blog.


Liz said...

Homeless in a 250K house? Shut the hell up lol You could fit all the homeless people in Escambia county in that crib. At least there is less mess with less stuff!

Stacie said...

LMFAO!! Liz, you crack me up!! I didn't mean it literally, duh! :) And yeah, I probably could fit them all in here, maybe I should invite them...then I'd have friends!! haha