08 November 2009

I'm in Love with Another Man!!!

And his name is Tony Horton!! For those of you who have no clue who Tony Horton is, don't go getting all crazed on me! He's the guy that does the P90X workouts. :) I ordered my stuff for the workouts a couple of weeks ago, and was totally excited to get it all in the mail. I did my very first workout the day I got everything. It kicked my butt like you would not believe. It was an awesome workout, and I felt great when I was done with it. Unfortunately, I didn't keep up with it like I should have due to unforseen circumstances. . . like my evil dog ripping my toenail off, and not feeling well. I started back up with the program exactly a week ago. I actually look forward to working out. The workouts push me, work muscles I forgot I had, make me sweat and swear, but most of all, they are actually fun. I know most people don't think of the two words fun and workout in one sentence, but I'm a little crazy. lol. I have really enjoyed this last week and am super excited going into my second week. I've already done my workout for today. If you've heard of it, heard other people's stories or what have you, and you were really skeptical, I say, give it a shot! I've got another 82 days worth of workouts before I complete one round of the program. Anyway, I just wanted to rant and rave about the program. I love it, and its worth a try!!! Oh, and the kids like to stand behind me and workout too, if they are awake. :) Who knows maybe once I start toning up, I'll be brave enough to post pictures! Yeah, probably not, but whatever! lol.

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