18 May 2009

The Latest....

I realize that I haven't posted in about a week, and the reason for that is that I have been busy. I finally decided that I would no longer put my education on hold. Its far to important to keep procrastinating and wasting the days away when I could be working towards a degree. My very first day 'back to school' was last Wednesday. I was a bundle of nerves, but I was also really excited. I've always liked school and learning new things. I am trying to get a Bachelor of Science in Health Science. I haven't exactly figured out what I want to do with it, but obviously it will have something to do with the health field. I am going to school 100% online with a great university. I needed an online school because....well, because I have 3 kids. Do I really need another reason? lol. Between taking Taylor to school; spending 5 out of 7 days a week at the baseball fields; cleaning house; spending quality time with the kids; cooking; grocery shopping and taking a shower everyday; I don't exactly have the time of day to spend going to a traditional school. I can't imagine sending my kids off to a sitter or missing a game because I had to go to a physical school. Therefore, online is best for me, especially since we are possibly moving to Florida. Keep your fingers crossed. So, anyhow, I am going to a great university, and so far it has been great. The professors have been awesome and they have so many additional resources to help you out in pretty much every subject imaginable. One of my first two courses that I am taking are Academic strategies for the health care profession. This is basically a class that will get me accustomed to attending school online and it will teach me what is expected from me. It also goes over ethics and things like that. My second course that I am taking is Chemistry. Yikes! It isn't that bad. My book is confusing as all heck, but all of the videos I watched pulled it all together. Tonight was our first seminar, in which I have to sit at my desk for one full hour and participate in class. Since I had done my 'homework', I knew what the professor was talking about. About half the class didn't watch any of the videos or read anything, so naturally they were all lost. I at least knew what the teacher was talking about. Now, the equations, well that's something else. lol. I'm not good at math. I stink. Taylor is probably better at math than I am. I know that's sad, but hey, I'm being honest. After figuring out the problems, it really wasn't so bad. I received a 70% on my first self assessment that I took. Not bad considering I still feel pretty confused. I can take the assessment numerous times to better my skills, and I plan on doing that. So, that was my spiel on school. Yay me! I'm very proud of myself for finally taking the plunge!
The boys are still doing baseball. They don't have any practice for the rest of the week. They both had practice today. Taylor's coach took my suggestion I gave him last week and turned it into reality. He said that he wanted to have a fun practice where everyone could just goof around and have fun. I suggested he bring water balloons and tell them to catch...thinking they would be catching a baseball and then just smack them with the balloon. He liked it and okayed it with the other parents. The kids had fun. I had fun watching, until one kid tried to throw a balloon at his dad, missed and hit me in the neck, therefore soaking my entire right shoulder and torso area. Yeah, and of all days, I wore a white t-shirt. HAHA, laugh it up. You couldn't see anything; obviously since I am not a trashy woman who goes around bra-less. lol. Austyn is still having fun with baseball. He definitely needs to move up to the next level. He hits about 7 out of 10 balls that you pitch to him. The kid has an arm from hell. Not only does he throw hard, he throws fast and accurate! Watch out! lol. And then there's Ryeigh. That girl has more attitude than a high school cheer squad. haha. She cracks me up though. She is getting so much better about being around strangers. She actually will approach a stranger and say hi. She doesn't run away screaming when they look at her either. She has come a very very long way from her stranger induced anxiety days. I'm happy for her.
Mark is out on the ship...again! He'll be home in a couple of weeks before its bon voyage for deployment. We still don't know anything about the Blue Angels, but we are keeping our hopes and spirits high. He is very confident with the way his interview went, and I'm very confident in him as well. As one of our acquaintances said, "Pfft! Mark's going to get it. That guy can charm the pants off of anyone!" Well, that's definitely one way that he has never been described. lol. He is very charming, personable, friendly and likeable, so I get what the guy was saying. Other than that, not much else is going on over here.


Jenn said...

Good for you with going back to school stacie, and I am keeping my fingers crossed with the whole Blue Angels deal! Give all your beautiful babes a kiss from Auntie Jenn and Uncle Adam!

The Sheridans said...

Yay for you! That is something that I've thought about doing myself....what college did you decide on? Online is really the only way to go I agree! Are we going to see you guys this weekend?