10 March 2009

It's Been a (busy) While

Let's see...wow! I can't believe I haven't blogged since mid-February. A lot has been going on since then. Mark's been gone for the last 3 weeks, and I've been a single mom again. So to speak. We have been keeping pretty busy around here. Taylor has school, obviously. He has been going to Cup-Stacking Practice after school once a week for the last month or so. For those of you who have no clue as to what Cup-Stacking is, I'll give you my very brief knowledge of the sport. And YES, it is a sport. =) There are 9 cups (or at least I am thinking). And the object of the game is to stack them in "cycles" and take them down as fast as you can. I first heard about it last year on the news. They were talking about kids participating in the sport and how fast it was becoming popular. There is even a McDonald's commercial about it. I'm sure you can find it on You Tube. Anyway, so yeah, he is really into that, so that's one afternoon a week. They have a tournament on Friday. We'll see how that goes. He also has basketball practice twice a week and a game once a week. His team is awesome! Did I say awesome? They are unbelievably awesome! They have only lost two games thus far. They lost their first game by one point, and they lost their third game by like 4. Their last game is this Saturday and they have a tournament all next week. I'm thinking they will do pretty darn well! He really enjoys it. Baseball season is also coming up and he just had tryouts on Saturday for those. Austyn is still being himself. Loud and rambunctious! Ryleigh is doing well too. She just had a rash on her back yesterday and we went to the Dr. We waited for what seemed like an eternity for the Dr. so in the meantime the boys were coloring and playing. They colored animals with different colored spots to make them look like they had diseases. Lovely, huh. Then Austyn was pretending to be the Dr. and he told her to take her shirt off so he could see her disease she had. It was really quite hilarious to listen to them. I'm sure if anyone had been listening in, they would have had a good chuckle. Her rash is completely gone, less than 24 hours later, so something we did was right. lol. Anyhow, Mark comes home on Saturday. Thank goodness. We definitely have missed having him around! He will be home for a measly couple of weeks. The following weekend we will be attending the Friends and Family Day Cruise with him which will be a lot of fun. Taylor and I are the only ones going along with him. We will get to set sail on the ship with Mark and get to experience a day at sea. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm also double checking my stash of Dramamine just in case I get sick!! Anyhow, that's pretty much the last few weeks of our life in a nutshell. We hope everyone is well.

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