02 February 2009

A Pretty Busy Weekend

For starters, Mark came home Friday evening, just in time for dinner! We were all really excited to have him home after being gone for the last 3 weeks. Ryleigh of course, didn't waste any time getting back into "Daddy's Girl" mode. She just wanted to hug him and love him. The boys on the other hand just wanted to show Daddy the cool new things they learned to do and whatever cool new gadgets they accumulated while he was gone.

Saturday morning was pretty relaxed and we were able to bum around for a couple of hours before we had to get up and get moving. Taylor had his very first basketball game. It was a lot more exciting than I thought it would be. I don't ever recall going to a boring basketball game as they are far and few between. They actually play for 5 periods instead of 4 quarters. Taylor played a good portion on the game and he did pretty good overall, considering it was his first game. Their uniforms, of course were not in. I just don't get that after being here for 6 years now that they still can't manage to get uniforms in on time. Its not like it is a new program. Anyway, so his team just wore shorts and white t-shirts. Taylor made one of his free throw shots! WOOHOO! Sometimes his team was ahead, sometimes they were behind and a few times they were tied. They ended up losing the game by one point! The score was 21-20. Oh, he's on the Wizards. They were supposed to be the Jazz, but something happened with those uniforms and they are now the Wizards. One of the moms (the coach's wife) asked if there was even such a team. I didn't want to embarrass her and tell her that they are the Washington Wizards and happened to be the team that Michael Jordan got together and retired with, so I just laughed and walked away. There were also cheerleaders at the game, and they were cute. Austyn was a little embarrassed because one of the girls is about 9 or 10 and she would play with Austyn all the time at Taylor's baseball and soccer games because her little brother was on our team. I think he has a minor crush on her! lol.

After the game it was time to come home and get ready for Austyn's 4th birthday party! After all the invitations were sent out and RSVPs were made, only one family was attending. Austyn was a little bummed that his friends from school didn't make it, but I wasn't expecting any of them to show up. He also didn't let that get in his way of having a great time. There were 6 kids in total at the party, which ended up being a good number. I didn't do half of what I was planning on doing since there weren't a lot of people showing up. We only played one game, which turned out to be plenty for our small group. I made Austyn's cake at the last minute and improvised due to my slacking. He is such an enthusiastic boy and makes the most out of everything. I love him and how positive he is!

Yesterday, was the Superbowl, so we didn't do too much except lounge around the house and graze on food all afternoon with our eyeballs suctioned to the television. Dave, of course was in attendance. Anytime food is involved, Dave is here, no questions asked..

Today, Mark had the day off, which was great, so we took the opportunity to have a "First milestone" for Ryleigh. She got her very first haircut ever!! She was okay with it before hand, but the second we walked in, she was over it. I finally calmed her down by telling her that I would give her some bubblegum when she was all done. I'm telling you that girl is a sucker for bubble gum! Her hair was past her shoulder blades and it wasn't even. She had two different layers with all of her curls, so I had them even it out. Now her hair is just to her shoulders.

I have no idea why these pictures are showing up sideways, I rotated and saved them and all of a sudden, they show up sideways in the slideshow. Weird. Anyway, you know the drill, click view more pictures, then click on original size to sit it LARGE!

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