11 December 2008

This Time, I'm Sticking to My Guns . . . Except, This Time, I Mean It!

Every year we all make New Year's Resolutions and we say we are going to stick with it no matter what. In the end, we get busy with life and that mental post-it note gets lost in the chaos. Well, this year is different! Seriously, I mean it! My resolutions are 1.) I will get into shape and stay in shape. 2.) I will stay on top of sending out birthday cards to family members. There, those are my resolutions. Every year I say that I will stay on top of the whole card thing, and I never even get the January cards out. So, I am going to stick to my guns and get it right this year. And as far as getting into shape. I'm not overweight, and I don't need to 'lose weight' per say, I just need to get healthy in general. I don't eat breakfast, I sleep too much and I lose my motivation to work out very quickly. My BMI is at something like 23.29, which is good because it means that I am in a healthy weight range. But, it is on the latter half of that happy median. My blood pressure is good as well as my heart rate, so working out won't prove to be dangerous, just physically and mentally challenging. I don't want to do it just for myself. I want to to it to help encourage as well as set a good example for my kids. Roscoe could also stand to lose a few pounds, so maybe I'll get him in on it too. I started part of a new workout regime yesterday, and its pretty mild. I'm not too sore from it, and that means I can run today. I'm a runner. I love to run. Running is sort of my detox. It relieves stress and makes all my worries seem like specks of dirt in comparison to everything else. My personal challenge will be sticking with it. I usually do good for about a week or so and then I lose it. I don't know what happens, but it just falls apart. I don't want washboard abs or some really cut arms like Serena and Venus Williams. Call me crazy, but I just want to look like I care about my body and my health. Not to mention I do want to become a healthier person. So, here's to the New Year, a few weeks in advance, but hell, why not kick-start this resolution now to better keep things moving once the New Year actually sets in! I first thought that I would update the blog with pictures and my process of this whole 'getting into shape' thing, but then I remembered that I don't like being seen in a swimsuit! haha. So, then I thought, just posting measurements on here so people could get an idea of how I'm doing. But then, I realized that I don't really want people knowing how big my waist or thighs are! haha. And then I thought, okay well maybe I could post my weight. That thought crossed the line. lol. Weight is a sensitive subject for lots of people, and it is for me when it comes to the numbers part of it all. Plus weighing isn't exactly the best way to measure a person's progress considering muscle weighs more than fat. So, in the end I have decided that a good old fashioned blog will do just fine! So, please, keep me motivated! =o)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Good luck with those resolutions, I have a few myself, being getting back into healthy shape being one of them too, but "NEW YEARS RESOLUTION" almost feels like your setting yourself up to lose sometimes....we just need to make a Dec.31st resolution!