15 December 2008

It Was Nice to Get Away!

This last weekend was spent with friends and family away from Lemoore. It was so great to get away. A change of scenery is definitely what we all needed! We left on Friday for Palm Springs. It wasn't just an ordinary get away, because the main purpose was softball. Softball is virtually the center of Mark's universe. He eats, lives and breathes softball. We got in late that afternoon and he had a game that night at 6. They lost their first game, but had a game the next morning so we headed back to the hotel. The hotel was pretty nice and the beds were cozy. The kids had a blast just being there. They were excited to be at a hotel and thought it was cool. I guess its the small things that make kids happy. lol. Austyn was excited to see that there was a microwave in our room and insisted that we buy popcorn for it. We did, of course. We were up very early the next morning for a continental breakfast and another game scheduled for 8am. We holed up in the 'clubhouse' to stay warm, but we were still able to watch the entire game. They lost, again, and that was the end of the tournament for them. They played the second game at Big League Dreams which is just a ballpark that is made to look like different stadiums. They played at Fenway for that game. It must be that Red Sox curse that kept them from winning. J/K We spent the rest of that day with Keith and Kalena. We had lunch that was pretty exciting. The food wasn't that great and the service was horrendous, but Taylor kept us all on the edge of our seats. He pulled his top left tooth out while we were waiting for our food! I'll admit that I was a little (okay a lot) squeamish at the idea of yanking a tooth out. I couldn't look, but he did it! He looks so goofy with one tooth missing! We haven't really had this whole experience of losing a tooth before a new one can grow in. His bottom adult teeth were in before the baby ones were even out. He looks like a cartoon character. lol. The tooth fairy even visited us at the hotel, so he was really excited about that. We spent that day just driving around, sort of sight seeing. The kids were knocked out in just a few minutes of driving, so we just opted to drive around while they slept rather than wake them up and get them to the hotel room for a nap. We had a great day, and just ended it with a few drinks with our friends. The next morning we were up and on our way to Adam and Jenn's for Kenzie's Birthday party. It was a lot of fun and I think all of the kids had a blast. Kenzie got lots of stuff, of course! It was great to be able to see everyone and to be there for Kenzie's party. This was the first time we have been able to make it to one of her parties. All of the other years, the date landed on Taylor's last soccer game and end of season party. This year the season ended the week before the party, so that worked out great! We took lots of pictures, and as usual they are posted in slide show format. If you click on view all pictures, it takes you to a bigger slide show, and then if you click on original view it makes it even bigger! So, enjoy all of the pictures, and we can't wait to see everyone again next weekend!

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