12 November 2008

We Tried, but Sayonara

So, Daisy the dog is no longer a member of our family. =o( Sad, but so much better for us. Daisy was a really good dog. She was awesome with the kids and she and Roscoe got along great! Her biggest flaw was and still is one of my biggest pet peeves . . . BARKING. I know, I've said it before, dogs are supposed to bark. I hate it. There is nothing more annoying to me than a barking dog who won't shut up! She would bark if I tried to make her stay outside, and while she was barking, she would happily display her aerobic abilities. She would jump about 3 feet off of the ground and slam up against the door. Yeah, not so good. lol. She would also bark at night when it was bedtime and she would do the same jumping routine. She would listen for about 5 minutes or so before she was back at it again. The barking isn't the sole reason, nor is it the main reason we gave her back to her neglectful owner. Roscoe is such a sensitive dog. He stresses over disturbances in his regular routine. He started shedding hair to the point where it looked like we had shaved a small dog and left its hair lying on the floor. He was constantly panting. And then he started throwing up and then he stopped eating. =o/ Poor, ultra-sensitive Roscoe. He just couldn't deal with the stress of having this neurotic and noisy dog in the house. I called the woman and told her that regretfully, we wouldn't be able to keep her. I felt so bad having to send the dog back to them where she wasn't treated the best. So, the lady suggested that I help find her a home, and that's just what I did. A friend of mine was in love with her and knew all about her yappiness and didn't mind that, at all! So, off Daisy went to their house for a visit to see how she would do in their home. She was doing great, and they wanted to keep her for 24 hours, for sort of a testing period. Well in between the time we went to dinner and the time we got home, the dog had been snatched back by the awful owners. I had given my friend the lady's number to call and work things through with, and the lady was not happy. She said that she needed the dog back immediately because she had a home for her, and she was very angry with our name change. She said, "You just don't change a dog's name!! I named her Neasha! Her name is Neasha, not Daisy!!" WOW. Well excuse me. I didn't realize I needed to sign a legal contract stating that I wouldn't change the dog's name. After-all, people do it everyday. When you give a dog away, its no longer your say in what the dog is called because it no longer belongs to you! Right? So, long story short, the lady was very mean and rude to my friend and said some not so nice things. I guess that's the last time I try and be a good citizen. So, Daisy, Neasha, whatever you want to call her . . . she is no longer with us, and Roscoe is back to his old self again!

06 November 2008

Do You Recognize This Kid?

I came home from picking up Austyn from school a little bit ago, and somehow, this kid made his way into my house! Do you recognize him? If you do, please let me know so I can contact his parents!HAHAHA! Just Kidding! Its just Austyn. =o) He got these in a goody bag at school today and he thought they were the silliest thing. Ryleigh laughs at him every time he puts them on.

04 November 2008

We Welcomed Our Newest Family Member Last Night

Okay, so it was kind of sudden, but we have added to our family . . . AGAIN! No, I'm not pregnant, and no we aren't adopting a baby. But we did adopt a little girl last night. She's yellowish white and they called her Neasha, (pronounced Neesha) but we will be calling her Daisy. It seemed suitable since Roscoe is often referred to as Rosco P. Coltrane from the Dukes of Hazzard . So, she's Daisy Duke. =o) Her previous family had good intentions and a good heart, but that's all they were. Intentions and nothing more. They were neglectful at times and didn't have the time and didn't want to take the time to care for a dog. So, she came home with us, and I'm pretty sure she (Daisy) thinks she has died and gone to heaven.lol. She's petite and only weighs about 60 pounds. She's a baby compared to our monster Roscoe. She is 15 months old, she has her AKC papers and she isn't fixed. Not to worry, she won't be having any babies anytime in the near future. Roscoe is neutered. Thank goodness! She is so loving and very submissive. She loves attention and she seems very loyal and pretty smart too. We have already started calling her by Daisy only, and she is already responding. She loves Roscoe and I'd be lying if I didn't say the same for Roscoe. He doesn't know what to do with himself. He is actually taking a nap, for the first time since we brought her home. She is napping too. They get along great and I think they have found best friends in each other. Her only problem that she has is that she doesn't like to be alone. Roscoe slept in the laundry room with her last night. I didn't trust letting her roam the house like I would Roscoe. So when I tried to make her sleep alone, she protested with barking. I hate barking!! I know its what dogs do, but I hate it!lol . Roscoe only barks when someone is at the door, or when there is a pesky feline in the backyard. Daisy is already fitting in with the family. The kids love her and she adores them.Ryleigh was a little unsure at first, but let me just say that it has been less than 24 hours and she is already smothering the dog with lots of hugs and kisses! The previous owner did say that if she didn't work out for us that we could always take her back, but I have a pretty good feeling that she'll do just fine. I'll work with her on obedience and refine her manners a little. Here she is!

Staying hydrated.
The tip of her nose is pink because she has lost pigment in that spot from pushing around her bowls outside on the concrete.
Help me, PLEASE! lol
Roscoe insists on shoving his whole nose and face into her mouth. I guess he's checking for cavities.
She's mostly white, with yellow ears and some yellow on her back and face.
He just doesn't know what to do with himself!
Doesn't he look exhausted?

01 November 2008

What Are The Odds?

Thursday was Ryleigh's 2nd birthday, and we celebrated with an ice cream cake! It was a yellow cake with cake batter flavored ice cream. I made it myself. Just Kidding!! We ordered it from Coldstone Creamery!Last night was Halloween, and we did what the typical American Family does. We dressed up. We all dressed up this year. Mark and I went as Barney and Betty Rubble. It kind of fits, Rummel, Rubble. lol. Taylor and Austyn were the Super Mario Brothers. Taylor was Luigi, because he of course is the taller of the two while Austyn was Mario since he is the shorter one. Ryleigh went as Princess Peach Toadstool from the Super Mario Bros. game. I totally thought that all of our costumes were unique and didn't think that anyone else would go as those characters.
Boy, I was wrong!
While we were out trick-or-treating, we spotted our best friends, Fred and
Wilma across the street. The craziest part of all is that following close behind them was a grown-up version of Mario and Luigi!! Who would have ever imagined? I mean of all the years I have been dressing the kids up (7 to be exact), we have never seen such unique costumes, not to mention that they are total 'throwback' to the good old days. We saw the opportunity for a photo op, and we took it! I'm not one to pass up a good photo!
Mark and I, and this couple whom we have no idea who they are!Again, complete strangers with Taylor and Austyn!Hailey, Taylor, Austyn and James getting ready for some trick or treating!Taylor and Austyn!Taylor and Austyn as Mario and LuigiI love this picture because Austyn looks like he's trying to be 'extra' Italian with his hand out, saying, "Itsa Mea. . . Marrrrio!" LOL
Ryleigh as Princess Peach Toadstool.Taylor as LuigiAustyn as Mario. He kept fidgeting with his mustache!Mark's Pumpkin, it lost its brainsSo gross looking. lolMy nice, silly pumpkin!Ryleigh's cat pumpkinAustyn's 'mad face' pumpkin

Hope you guys enjoyed all of the pictures!