27 August 2008

Time Flies When Your Kids Are Busy Growing!

So much time has gone by since I very first became a mother.... 7 1/2 years ago. Since then, Taylor has grown so quickly from a babbling little baby to a back talking 7 year old! Along the way, Austyn was born, and that was 3 1/2 years ago! I can't believe 3 years have flown by this fast. It feels like it wasn't long ago that we had just found out we were pregnant with him. And then a short 1 3/4 years later, little Ryleigh graced us with her presence. I can NOT believe that in a short 2 months she will be TWO years old.
Anyway, Taylor is now in 2nd grade. I kind of cringe when I say that, because I don't feel that old, lol. He is doing great so far, and I'm sure that pace will continue. He is such a bright boy, and we are so proud of him. He loves to read books and enjoys getting his National Geographic (for kids) magazines. I think it makes him feel grown up. He's shy and reserved, kind of like me. :o) He's also a pretty funny character as well. He makes me laugh all the time at the silly things he says and does.
Austyn will be starting preschool on Tuesday! WOW. I never thought I'd see the day. lol. I'm pretty sure he will absolutely love it. It's all he talks about these days. School this and school that. I think he was beginning to think I duped him because we went to sign up on the 8th of the month. I hope he is good and not too much for the teachers to handle. He can be a few handfuls at times. He is loud and outgoing. He has never met a stranger in his life. Everyone is a friend to him. It's kind of refreshing sometimes, but its also a little scary! He is hilarious and says really funny things. His new saying these days is , "Oh, barnacles!" He gets it from Sponge Bob, and its pretty cute.
Ryleigh will not be starting school anytime soon! At least I still have a baby to hang on to for now. ;o) She is a total Daddy's girl and the second Mark walks into the house, I almost don't exist anymore. Its so bad that she's to the point where she will tell me she doesn't need to potty, just so Mark can take her! She totally has him wrapped around her finger. Every time he gives in to her I have one word I say to him, "WRAPPED!" He just laughs and says I was the same way with the boys. I love the way she adores him and loves him and vice versa. Its amazing and I love it so much.
It doesn't seem like so much time has gone by that the boys are in school and Ryleigh is almost two. Kids grow so fast. It's really bittersweet. I love it and I hate it. I can't wait for the day that they don't have to come to me for help, but I also can wait for the day that they no longer need my help with things. I'll always be their overprotective (at times), willing to help at the drop of a hat, always there for them when they need to talk, someone to listen or when they need help kind of Mom.

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