03 August 2008

Long Time No Blog

Yeah, I've been away from the computer for a little while. As if you couldn't tell. lol. We have been keeping pretty busy. Mark has been home for 2 months now, and we are still trying to settle into our routine. It was off at first because he was home, and then just as we seemed to get settled, we had to go to Southern California for about 1 1/2 weeks. He went down for a class to be the PFA leader for his squadron. Then we tried to get back into a good routine, but then his work shift changed back to nights. The next week he was off at school again, and the week following that we were in Mexico soaking up the sun. He was off this last week, but the week was chock full of running errands back and forth to work and getting things straight for the MWR party the squadron was putting on. This week he is back at work....working nights again. YUCK is about all I have to say about that. =) So, now we will try and settle into a routine.
Our trip to Mexico was fantastic. We both had a great time and it was kind of nice for us to be alone for a week. We missed the kids like crazy and I cried on the way to the airport. Aside from the hurricane remnants the first few days and the rude front desk people and the sucky room, the trip was great. The water was absolutely amazing. The sand was so soft, and white. It was completely different from any beach I have ever been to, and I loved it. The water was pretty warm too. Our first few days we spent around the hotel because of the storm. On Tuesday we went para sailing. That was really fun, up until about 7 minutes or so into our 'flight.' I almost lost my lunch. Its difficult to not get dizzy or nauseous when the wind is tossing you around and you are so high up. The entire time I was looking down in hopes of seeing some marine life in the clear waters. I guess that was a bad idea. I felt pretty icky for the rest of the day, but it was fun, and worth it! Wednesday we spent at a place called Xel-Ha. It was kind of like a natural water park area. We snorkeled and saw lots of cool fish. We floated down the river into the lagoon and we even ventured into an underwater cave. That was pretty cool and the water was probably a good 10-15 degrees cooler in there than it was in the lagoon. Mark jumped off of a 15 foot cliff while I opted to stand on the bridge and watch. =) That entire day was all inclusive, so all of our drinks, towels, lockers, snorkel gear, drinks and food was free. That was definitely a fun day! The next day we sailed to the Isla Mujeres. It took about an hour to get there, and again, everything was all inclusive. One of the workers made sure that everyone always had a cup full of Corona or whatever it was they were drinking. Once we arrived at the island, we did some snorkeling by a coral reef. We saw lots of fish, a starfish and a barracuda. I never did get to see any sting rays or turtles. It was a little disappointing, but definitely not enough to ruin the day or moment. After we snorkeled we had lunch at a private beach club and took a dip in the water before we headed back to the opposite side of the island for some shopping. We didn't really find anything really exciting or interesting. The boys both got shark tooth necklaces and Ryleigh got an authentic blue Mexican dress. We bought a few starfish for the kids' bathroom and we bought ourselves some necklaces. And of course, no trip is complete without a shot glass or two. The rest of the time we were there we spent laying by the pool and ocean working on our sun tans while Juan made sure we didn't need anything. I can't say thank you enough to Laura and Bonnie for helping out so much. Without the two of them, our trip would have been nearly impossible. Well, that's really about it for now. I know everyone wants to see some pictures. I'll load them soon, but right now its time for a nap!

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