15 January 2008

The Tooth Fairy Makes a Comeback!

So, as most of you know Taylor lost his very first baby tooth on Sunday. He told me that he doesn't believe in the tooth fairy and that it is all "fake-believe." He says fake-believe instead of make-believe. So, I tried my hardest to convince him that the tooth fairy is indeed real, but he wasn't buying what I was selling. I guess I just want the kids to have a sense of imagination and to be able to hold onto their youthfulness for as long as possible.
Bedtime rolled around and we put his tooth (in a Ziploc bag) under both of his pillows. Everything was set, I knew exactly where the tooth was and Mark knew to wake me up when he came home from work.
4AM-Mark gets home from work and wakes me up. We decide that $5 is a good solid amount for one tooth. We sneak into Taylor's room and are lucky to have the fish tank light to help us see. I tell Mark where the tooth is supposed to be and he can't find it. He looks in between the pillows and still can't find it. I was beginning to think we had lost it! I look under the other pillows, in between them, and still nothing! It's a good thing Taylor wasn't actually using his pillows, otherwise we would have woken him up. So, I take each pillow off one at a time and "Hallelujah!" we found it! He had moved it in between the first set of pillows. So, we confiscate the tooth, replace it with a $5 bill and drag our half asleep behinds to bed.
7AM-Taylor wakes me up with this, "MOM! The tooth fairy came in my room and left me $5!! I can't believe that! I guess the tooth fairy really is real!" He was so excited and I was excited for him. I was happy to have his belief back intact. Later while he was eating breakfast he said that he wasn't expecting to get $5. That left me thinking that I had such a great kid, who was so thankful and grateful for the gift he had received, and then I woke up. He finished his story by saying that he was expecting to get $10!! I told him that the tooth fairy decides how much money each kid gets. They think about how well they took care of their teeth and whether or not they are a good kid. Some kids get just $1 and some kids get $10. It just depends on how good they are.
So the tooth fairy made a comeback! HOORAY!

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