08 December 2007

It should have been Taylor's last game....

Well here we are...on the day of Taylor's last soccer game for the season and he didn't even get to play. Really crappy, right? Well, let me just fill you in on all of the lovely details.
First, our game last Saturday was supposed to be at 8AM, or so we were told. I stayed home with Austyn and Ryleigh because they weren't feeling well, so Mark and Taylor went to the game. Well, they were home about 10 minutes later. Oops! Coach had the wrong time. The game was at 9, not 8! So, the entire team had to go back home, only to go right back an hour later! That's just the beginning....it gets better.
They usually practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5PM, which is a ridiculous time to practice considering the sun goes down at like 5:15. So, for weeks the kids have been practicing in almost complete darkness. That isn't good for their little eyes, let alone ours. The coach finally got off of his big fat behind and moved practice to a field with lights for the last two practices. It's about dang time! We missed our Tuesday practice because the kids were still not feeling well. Then on Thursday, the coach's wife called us at home and said that practice had been canceled because of the rain. That was fine with me. So, I asked her what time the game was on Saturday. She said, oh, it's at 9:15, so just show up at 9. Of course if the game time changes, we'll call you.
So, what do we do? We show up today at 9AM. You'll never guess what happened next. THE GAME WAS OVER! Yes, let me repeat myself. TAYLOR'S GAME THAT WAS AT 9:15 WAS OVER!!
Oh, was I pissed! So, I walked up to coach when he was done with his pathetic excuse of a speech to 5 and 6 year old kids who could care less, and I asked him what time the game was scheduled. He said the game was at 8, he told me that last practice. Hmm, that's funny that he told me that at practice because, HA I wasn't even there! So, I said, no, we weren't there, nice try. Then he says, well, I sent out an email to everyone saying when game time was. This really irritated me. This sorry excuse for a coach has had our email address since the very first practice. I have never, not once, received an email or anything resembling an email from him or his wife. So, I said, no, I have never received an email from you, although you have had it for the entire season. So, he sticks to his story and insists that he sent one out. He says, well maybe you wrote it down wrong. HAHAHA! I'm sorry, was that a low attempt at questioning my intellect? I think it was. I said, I'm sorry, but uh, I'm about 100% positive that I know how to spell my own email address, considering I use it EVERYDAY! So, I said, well when your wife called me on Thursday to cancel practice, SHE told me that the game was at 9:15, so now here we are at 9AM expecting to play our last game of the season. Thanks to you and your wife who obviously have poor communication skills, my son has now missed his last game of the season. Thanks A LOT! I guess once you make up your story, you have to stick to it, because the man insisted that he sent out an email.
Then I said, well do you have Taylor's pictures? He said, ask my wife. So, I ask his wife and she says, Yeah, I have them...and then she just stood there! YOOHOO! Earth to dumb overweight wife, when someone asks you if you have something and you do, don't you give them what they asked for? I mean, did she think I was just asking for shits and giggles? So, I said, Yeah, uh, you think I could have those pictures? She says, Oh, yeah, I guess just follow me out to my car. Sorry, it's just REALLY early in the morning. I am thinking, WOW, 9AM is really early? I want to move into your house if 9AM is too early to start thinking!
On our way out to her car, a mom stopped us and said that she didn't receive any communication either. She said she wouldn't have showed up at 8 if she hadn't seen another parent the night before. Then another set of parents stopped us to see if Taylor was okay. They felt very badly for him. Taylor was very very hurt by it all. He was so upset that he was crying. This was his last soccer game, and he was really looking forward to it. I apologized to him that we missed his game, and explained the mix-up in communication. The part that really upsets me about the entire situation is that neither the coach nor his wife offered sympathy, sorrow or an apology. Is that too much to ask after you just crushed a 6 year old boy's hopes? I don't think so, but what do I know? I'm just a crazy mom!

*Just a side note. Please disregard my obvious dialogue errors. I didn't feel like putting it in the proper format. Sue me. I'm working on accepting imperfection. :)